A multiprocessor system supports multiple concurrent modes of speculative execution. Speculation identification numbers (IDs) are allocated to speculative threads from a pool of available numbers. The pool is divided into domains, with each domain being assigned to a mode of speculation. Modes of speculation include TM, TLS, and rollback. Allocation of the IDs is carried out with respect to a central state table and using hardware pointers. The IDs are used for writing different versions of speculative results in different ways of a set in a cache memory.
In a parallel processing system with speculative execution, conflict checking occurs in a directory lookup of a cache memory that is shared by all processors. In each case, the same physical memory address will map to the same set of that cache, no matter which processor originated that access. The directory includes a dynamic reader set encoding, indicating what speculative threads have read a particular line. This reader set encoding is used in conflict checking. A bitset encoding is used to specify particular threads that have read the line.
In a parallel processing system with speculative execution, conflict checking occurs in a directory lookup of a cache memory that is shared by all processors. In each case, the same physical memory address will map to the same set of that cache, no matter which processor originated that access. The directory includes a dynamic reader set encoding, indicating what speculative threads have read a particular line. This reader set encoding is used in conflict checking. A bitset encoding is used to specify particular threads that have read the line.
A multiprocessor system supports multiple concurrent modes of speculative execution. Speculation identification numbers (IDs) are allocated to speculative threads from a pool of available numbers. The pool is divided into domains, with each domain being assigned to a mode of speculation. Modes of speculation include TM, TLS, and rollback. Allocation of the IDs is carried out with respect to a central state table and using hardware pointers. The IDs are used for writing different versions of speculative results in different ways of a set in a cache memory.