A liquid-metal cooled fast reactor core having a nuclear fuel assembly constituted of nuclear fuel rods with varying cladding thicknesses in reactor core regions, in which: the nuclear fuel assembly (1) of a liquid-metal cooled fast reactor includes nuclear fuel assemblies (1a, 1b and 1c) in inner, middle and outer reactor core regions, respectively, and is installed in a hexagonal duct (3) with nuclear fuel materials (2-2a, 2-2b and 2-2c) surrounded by respective claddings (2-1a, 2-1b and 2-1c), and the claddings (2-1a, 2-1b and 2-1c) of a nuclear fuel rod (2a) in the inner reactor core region, a nuclear fuel rod (2b) in the middle reactor core region and a nuclear fuel rod (2c) in the outer reactor core region are formed at different thicknesses. The reactor core can flatten power distribution using a single-enrichment nuclear fuel in the liquid-metal cooled fast reactor.
Illustrative embodiments provide a nuclear fission reactor, a vented nuclear fission fuel module, methods therefor and a vented nuclear fission fuel module system.
A traveling wave nuclear fission reactor, fuel assembly, and a method of controlling burnup therein. In a traveling wave nuclear fission reactor, a nuclear fission reactor fuel assembly comprises a plurality of nuclear fission fuel rods that are exposed to a deflagration wave burnfront that, in turn, travels through the fuel rods. The excess reactivity is controlled by a plurality of movable neutron absorber structures that are selectively inserted into and withdrawn from the fuel assembly in order to control the excess reactivity and thus the location, speed and shape of the burnfront. Controlling location, speed and shape of the burnfront manages neutron fluence seen by fuel assembly structural materials in order to reduce risk of temperature and irradiation damage to the structural materials.
A nuclear reactor fuel core assembly comprises an array of sub-assemblies comprising a central zone of fuel/breeder sub-assemblies (20F) surrounded by an annular zone of shielding sub-assemblies (20S). The fuel/breeder sub-assemblies (20F) are flexibly mounted from the reactor diagrid top plate 26 while the shielding sub-assemblies (20S) are mounted as stiff cantilevers so as to provide resilient restraint against bow of the central sub-assemblies (20S) during reactor operation, the restraint being exerted via abutment pads (40) at the level of the tops of the sub-assemblies (20S, 20F). The central core sub-assemblies (20F) also have abutment pads (34) at a lower level to form a lower restraint plane at this level controlling sub-assembly bowing in the central core zone.
A fast neutron nuclear reactor contains a nuclear reactor core having an array of device locations. Some device locations in the nuclear reactor core contain fissile and fertile nuclear fuel assembly devices. One or more other device locations in the nuclear reactor core contain Doppler reactivity augmentation devices that amplify the negativity of the Doppler reactivity coefficient within the nuclear reactor core. In some implementations, a Doppler reactivity augmentation device can also reduce the coolant temperature coefficient within the nuclear reactor core. Accordingly, a Doppler reactivity augmentation device contributes to a more stable nuclear reactor core.
An active zone includes a homogeneous uranium-plutonium nitride fuel, the mass fraction of which is a minimum 0.305, and consists of central, intermediate and peripheral parts which form fuel assemblies comprising fuel elements with geometrically identical shells but differing heights. The radial distribution of the fuel across the volume of the active zone has a stepped shape. The radius of the central part is from 0.4 to 0.5 of the effective active zone radius, while the height of the fuel column in the fuel elements in the central part is from 0.5 to 0.8 of the height of the fuel column in the peripheral part. The heights of the fuel columns forming a stepped intermediate part for diameters ranging from 0.5 to 0.85 of the effective active zone diameter are within the range from 0.55 to 0.9 of the height of the fuel column in the peripheral part.