Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Run-time code parallelization with monitoring of repetitive instruction sequences during branch mis-prediction
- Patent Title (中): 在分支误预测中监视重复指令序列的运行时代码并行化
Application No.: US14583119Application Date: 2014-12-25
Publication No.: US09135015B1Publication Date: 2015-09-15
- Inventor: Noam Mizrahi , Alberto Mandler , Shay Koren , Jonathan Friedmann
- Applicant: Centipede Semi Ltd.
- Applicant Address: IL Netanya
- Current Assignee: CENTIPEDE SEMI LTD.
- Current Assignee Address: IL Netanya
- Agency: D. Kligler I.P. Services Ltd.
- Main IPC: G06F7/38
- IPC: G06F7/38 ; G06F9/00 ; G06F9/44 ; G06F9/38 ; G06F9/30

A method includes, in a processor that executes instructions of program code, monitoring the instructions in a segment of a repetitive sequence of the instructions so as to construct a specification of register access by the monitored instructions. In response to detecting a branch mis-prediction in the monitored instructions, the specification is corrected so as to compensate for the branch mis-prediction. Execution of the repetitive sequence is parallelized based on the corrected specification.
Information query