Invention Grant
US09008076B2 Telephony system with intelligent endpoints or intelligent switches to reduce dependency of endpoints on application server 有权

  • Patent Title: Telephony system with intelligent endpoints or intelligent switches to reduce dependency of endpoints on application server
  • Patent Title (中): 具有智能端点或智能交换机的电话系统,以减少端点对应用服务器的依赖
  • Application No.: US12415586
    Application Date: 2009-03-31
  • Publication No.: US09008076B2
    Publication Date: 2015-04-14
  • Inventor: Michael S. W. Tovino
  • Applicant: Michael S. W. Tovino
  • Applicant Address: US CA Sunnyvale
  • Assignee: ShoreTel, Inc.
  • Current Assignee: ShoreTel, Inc.
  • Current Assignee Address: US CA Sunnyvale
  • Agency: Patent Law Works LLP
  • Main IPC: H04L12/66
  • IPC: H04L12/66 H04M7/00
Telephony system with intelligent endpoints or intelligent switches to reduce dependency of endpoints on application server
A system and a method are disclosed for reducing interaction between a server and an endpoint while executing features on an endpoint. The endpoint, and not the application server, includes part or all of the implementation of UI logic and feature logic. The endpoint therefore does not have to rely on server's instructions for executing a feature. The endpoint also includes an endpoint determination module for determining the parts of the UI logic and feature logic implemented on the endpoint and the parts implemented on a switch or a server.
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