Invention Grant
- Patent Title: System for building electronic queue(s) utilizing self organizing units in parallel to permit concurrent queue add and remove operations
- Patent Title (中): 用于并行利用自组织单元构建电子队列的系统允许并发队列添加和删除操作
Application No.: US09568711Application Date: 2000-05-11
Publication No.: US06757679B1Publication Date: 2004-06-29
- Inventor: Rolf Fritz
- Applicant: Rolf Fritz
- Priority: EP99112216 19990625
- Main IPC: G06F1730
- IPC: G06F1730

An electronic queue management system for implementation on a chip. The queue management system comprises a plurality of primitive queue elements each including a register for a next-pointer and a register for a queue number. The next-pointer values may be selected via a register input and can be fed out via a registered output. Such queue elements are associated with a respective entry in a central array which stores the data belonging to the actual request. The separation of the data array and queue elements facilitates queue management as the data amounts are quite large compared to the small amount of data being required for the pre logic of the queue management system. Multiple add requests and multiple remove requests operations for different queue elements may be concurrently achieved in a single cycle.
Information query