Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Device for controlled deflation of a gas bag
- Patent Title (中): 气囊控制放气装置
Application No.: US10049929Application Date: 2002-02-20
Publication No.: US06705642B1Publication Date: 2004-03-16
- Inventor: Bogdan Serban , Ernst Johann Hauer , Michel Witte , Volker Petri , Harald Rudolf , Michael Meyer
- Applicant: Bogdan Serban , Ernst Johann Hauer , Michel Witte , Volker Petri , Harald Rudolf , Michael Meyer
- Priority: LU90431 19990831
- Main IPC: B60R2128
- IPC: B60R2128

A device for deflating a gas bag includes a gas bag having a deflation opening which is closed along a breakable, predetermined line. The predetermined breaking line includes a closure element and is breakable by melting or sublimating the closure element.
Information query