Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Method and apparatus for hermetically sealing fiber array blocks
- Patent Title (中): 用于密封光纤阵列块的方法和装置
Application No.: US10078066Application Date: 2002-02-15
Publication No.: US06681473B1Publication Date: 2004-01-27
- Inventor: Bin Liu , R. Kehl Sink , David Welsh , Yuanjian Xu
- Applicant: Bin Liu , R. Kehl Sink , David Welsh , Yuanjian Xu
- Main IPC: G02B600
- IPC: G02B600

A method and apparatus hermetically sealing a fiber array block is described. In one embodiment, a fiber array plate is fabricated and an array of tapered holes formed therein. An adhering metal layer, such as a titanium, nickel and gold multilayer, is deposited upon the fiber array plate. A solder preform is positioned on the fiber array plate so that the array of holes in the solder preform corresponds to the array of holes in the array plate. Fibers having an adhering metal layer deposited thereon, are then inserted through the fiber array plate. The tapered holes make the fiber insertion process easier. The fiber array plate is then heated such that the solder preform melts causing the solder to fill any gaps between the fiber array plates and the fiber. When the solder cools a hermetic seal is formed while the fibers remain accurately positioned.
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