Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Method and system for generating charge sharing test vectors
- Patent Title (中): 用于生成电荷共享测试矢量的方法和系统
Application No.: US09713416Application Date: 2000-11-15
Publication No.: US06553547B1Publication Date: 2003-04-22
- Inventor: Keerthinarayan P. Heragu , Patrick W. Bosshart
- Applicant: Keerthinarayan P. Heragu , Patrick W. Bosshart
- Main IPC: G06F1750
- IPC: G06F1750

A method for generating charge sharing test vectors for a circuit generates a first test vector (120) and a second test vector (122). The method provides a test model (98) including a logic cell (10) and an auxiliary test circuit (100) where the auxiliary test circuit (100) includes a discharge AND gate (102) and a charge sharing AND gate (104). The method generates a first test vector (120) for the test model (98) having an input pattern to discharge nodes of the logic cell (10) and evaluate discharge AND gate (102) to a logic level 1. The method generates a second test vector (122) having an input pattern to evoke the worst charge sharing behavior for the logic cell (10) and evaluate charge sharing AND gate (104) to a logic level 1.
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