Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Viewer interactive three-dimensional workspace with a two-dimensional workplane containing interactive two-dimensional images
- Patent Title (中): 查看器交互式三维工作空间与二维工作平面包含交互式二维图像
Application No.: US08826616Application Date: 1997-04-04
Publication No.: US06515688B1Publication Date: 2003-02-04
- Inventor: Richard Edmond Berry , Scott Harlan Isensee
- Applicant: Richard Edmond Berry , Scott Harlan Isensee
- Main IPC: G06F300
- IPC: G06F300

A system, method and computer program are provided for a virtual three-dimensional workspace wherein a two-dimensional workplane has been created in which two-dimensional images of said three-dimensional objects are carried so that when the viewer or user navigates within the three-dimensional workspace to points in the workspace where certain three-dimensional objects are no longer visible or available in the workspace, the viewer or user may still interactively perform functions relative to the no longer visible three-dimensional objects through interaction with the respective two-dimensional images of the three-dimensional objects which are still available in the workplane which is unaffected by the navigation.
Information query