Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Vacuum bearing structure and a method of supporting a movable member
- Patent Title (中): 真空轴承结构和支撑活动件的方法
Application No.: US09527029Application Date: 2000-03-16
Publication No.: US06515288B1Publication Date: 2003-02-04
- Inventor: Geoffrey Ryding , Theodore H. Smick , Marvin Farley , Takao Sakase
- Applicant: Geoffrey Ryding , Theodore H. Smick , Marvin Farley , Takao Sakase
- Main IPC: G01F2300
- IPC: G01F2300

A vacuum bearing structure comprises a combination of a planar gas bearing with a differentially-pumped vacuum seal. The bearing surface and the vacuum seal surfaces are formed of a porous material divided into a first outer region through which bearing gas can percolate to provide support and an inner second region providing the vacuum seal. An exhaust groove separates the two regions so that bearing gas can flow to atmosphere. The resulting structure can operate at a lower fly height to reduce loading on the differentially-pumped vacuum seal. The structure is particularly useful for motion feedthroughs into vacuum processes such as ion implantation.
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