Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Drilling tool for the air-lifting process
- Patent Title (中): 钻井工具用于升降过程
Application No.: US09685786Application Date: 2000-10-10
Publication No.: US06405812B1Publication Date: 2002-06-18
- Inventor: Fritz Tibussek
- Applicant: Fritz Tibussek
- Priority: DE19626591 19960702
- Main IPC: E21B3900
- IPC: E21B3900

A drilling tool for drilling bore holes into the ground and for removing the drilled material using an air-lifting process. The drilling tool has a drilling head equipped at its lower surface with curing elements, whose upper surface is connected to hollow drilling rods having an inner conveying channel and from whose lower surface boring material mixed with a rinsing liquid is removed via the conveying channel. At the lower surface of the drilling tool head, inside a radial channel connected to the conveying channel, a cross-flow of the rinsing liquid, flowing radially inwards and having a high flow velocity, is produced for the purpose of carrying along the boring material.
Information query