Invention Grant
- Patent Title: ETM-775 metabolite of ecteinascidin 743
- Patent Title (中): ETM-775代谢物的电泳抗菌素743
Application No.: US09309947Application Date: 1999-05-11
Publication No.: US06316214B1Publication Date: 2001-11-13
- Inventor: Kenneth L. Rinehart , Jose J. Morales , Joel Reid , Isabel Reymundo , Pablo Floriano , Lola Garcia Gravalos
- Applicant: Kenneth L. Rinehart , Jose J. Morales , Joel Reid , Isabel Reymundo , Pablo Floriano , Lola Garcia Gravalos
- Main IPC: C12Q126
- IPC: C12Q126

The purification and structure elucidation of several products of the metabolism of Et 743 by human cytochrome CYP3A4 have been accomplished. These compounds are abbreviated herein as “ETM” followed by a numeric value, which represents the approximate molecular weight. Three compounds have been identified to date, namely ETM 305, ETM 775 and ETM 204. The structures of these ecteinascidin metabolites are as follows:
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