Invention Grant
US06308675B1 Gas exchange valve with a hollow space 失效

  • Patent Title: Gas exchange valve with a hollow space
  • Patent Title (中): 气体交换阀具有中空空间
  • Application No.: US09600846
    Application Date: 2000-07-24
  • Publication No.: US06308675B1
    Publication Date: 2001-10-30
  • Inventor: Peter KellerLothar Mück
  • Applicant: Peter KellerLothar Mück
  • Priority: DE19803294 19980129
  • Main IPC: F02N300
  • IPC: F02N300
Gas exchange valve with a hollow space
The invention relates to a gas exchange valve with a hollow space, for an internal combustion engine. The valve comprises a valve stem (3), a valve base and a valve disk (2). The valve stem and valve disk or valve stem and valve base have an approximately cylindrical, elongated hollow space which is formed by both parts. The space is sealed by welding. The aim of the invention is to improve the quality of the welding. To this end, an extra mass of the material required for sealing the hollow space is provided on the valve disk or the valve base so that no additional welding material is necessary.
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