Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Apparatus for measurement of an optical pulse shape
- Patent Title (中): 用于测量光脉冲形状的装置
Application No.: US09441532Application Date: 1999-11-16
Publication No.: US06266145B1Publication Date: 2001-07-24
- Inventor: Hak Kyu Lee , Dong Sung Lim , Min Yong Jeon , Joon Tae Ahn , Kyong Hon Kim
- Applicant: Hak Kyu Lee , Dong Sung Lim , Min Yong Jeon , Joon Tae Ahn , Kyong Hon Kim
- Priority: KR99-34076 19990818
- Main IPC: G01B902
- IPC: G01B902

An apparatus for measurement of an optical pulse shape intended to measure the temporal waveform of an ultrashort single optical pulse is disclosed. The present invention comprises a linearly chirped supercontinuum light source that is synchronized with an optical pulse to be measured; a nonlinear optical interferometer to transform the temporal waveform of an incident optical pulse into a spectrum using an incident light from said supercontinuum light source; and an optical spectrum analyzer to measure the wavelength of the light passing through the nonlinear interferometer so that it can measure the temporal waveform of a single optical pulse. The present invention employs the method that transforms the temporal waveform of an incident optical pulse into a spectrum and measures the wavelength using a linearly chirped supercontinuum light source, a nonlinear optical interferometer, and an optical spectrum analyzer. The present invention provides an apparatus for measurement of an optical pulse shape that is able to measure the waveform not with the repeated measurements but with a single shot measurement.
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