Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Closure bag with internal tack surfaces
Application No.: US554945Application Date: 1995-11-13
Publication No.: US5965224APublication Date: 1999-10-12
- Inventor: Chih-Hung Chen , Andrius Dapkus , Jack A. Mac Pherson
- Applicant: Chih-Hung Chen , Andrius Dapkus , Jack A. Mac Pherson
- Applicant Address: CT Danbury
- Assignee: First Brands Corporation
- Current Assignee: First Brands Corporation
- Current Assignee Address: CT Danbury
- Main IPC: B65D30/02
- IPC: B65D30/02 ; B31B19/60 ; B32B27/08 ; B65D33/00 ; B65D33/18 ; B65D33/20 ; B65D33/16
A closure bag having a bag body with internal tack surfaces.
Public/Granted literature
Information query