Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Plastic drying apparatus
- Patent Title (中): 塑料干燥设备
Application No.: US608071Application Date: 1990-11-01
Publication No.: US5105555APublication Date: 1992-04-21
- Inventor: Shoji Nakagomi
- Applicant: Shoji Nakagomi
- Assignee: Shoji Nakagomi
- Current Assignee: Shoji Nakagomi
- Priority: JPX2-4350 19900111; JPX2-49067 19900228; JPX2-99570 19900416; JPX2-106885 19900423
- Main IPC: B29B13/06
- IPC: B29B13/06 ; B29B13/08 ; F26B3/34 ; F26B11/14
A plastic drying apparatus that uses microwave heating as means of heating a plastic thereby allowing the surface as well as the inside of particles of the plastic to be heated simultaneously and therefore can attain to bring the plastic to a highly dried state within a short period of time. A certain amount of a plastic is fed into a plastic drying tank. While the plastic is stirred, the plastic is heated and dried uniformly by microwaves generated by a microwave generating unit. The humidity is measured by a humidity measuring sensor and the plastic is highly dried automatically. Dried air nozzles are provided to the wall surface of the plastic drying tank for discharging air in a super-dried state in a widely flared manner so as to prevent the plastic powder, etc. from adhering.
Public/Granted literature
- US5665632A Stress relaxation in dielectric before metalization Public/Granted day:1997-09-09
Information query