Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Modular integral circuit interrupter
- Patent Title (中): 模块式积分电路断路器
Application No.: US759718Application Date: 1985-07-29
Publication No.: US4660009APublication Date: 1987-04-21
- Inventor: John A. Wafer , Kurt A. Grunert
- Applicant: John A. Wafer , Kurt A. Grunert
- Applicant Address: PA Pittsburgh
- Assignee: Westinghouse Electric Corp.
- Current Assignee: Westinghouse Electric Corp.
- Current Assignee Address: PA Pittsburgh
- Main IPC: H01H73/38
- IPC: H01H73/38 ; H01H71/12 ; H01H71/24 ; H01H71/68 ; H01H71/74 ; H01H73/00 ; H01H73/36 ; H01H89/10 ; H01H77/06 ; H01H83/22
A circuit interrupter characterized by an assemblage of interconnected electrical units including a circuit breaker, a current limiting structure, a contactor, and a motor controller which units are fitted together detachably into a compact unit, in which the controller controls the contactor and the circuit breaker in response to a predetermined current condition, and in which the circuit interrupter includes a single pair of separable contacts.
Public/Granted literature
- US5822953A Method of and system for packaging rolls of photographic film in box Public/Granted day:1998-10-20
Information query