Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Device for recovery of a cable for handling a submerged load
- Patent Title (中): 用于回收用于处理潜水负载的电缆的设备
Application No.: US177606Application Date: 1980-08-13
Publication No.: US4350323APublication Date: 1982-09-21
- Inventor: Joel M. Charles , Robert J. Toscano
- Applicant: Joel M. Charles , Robert J. Toscano
- Applicant Address: FRX Armees
- Assignee: Etat Francais as represented by the Delegue General pour l'Armement
- Current Assignee: Etat Francais as represented by the Delegue General pour l'Armement
- Current Assignee Address: FRX Armees
- Priority: FRX7921424 19790827
- Main IPC: B66C13/02
- IPC: B66C13/02 ; B66D1/39 ; B66D1/52 ; B66D1/50
This invention generally relates to a cable recovery device for use on bo a surface ship. The invention compensates for excessive tensions arising in cables carrying submerged loads which are caused by the swell of the ocean acting on the ship, and controls the tension at which the cable is wound. The invention includes a cable winding drum which is rotationally driven by a variable-speed motor, a loop-shaped cable passageway which circumscribes the drum which forms a loop of cable of varying length, and a means for sensing the length of said cable loop and for automatically controlling the speed of the variable speed motor in response thereto. The loop of cable of varying length compensates for excessive cable tensions resulting from the swell of the ship, and allows the cable to be wound around the drum at a desired uniform tension.
Public/Granted literature
- US5438589A Spread spectrum communication system Public/Granted day:1995-08-01
Information query