Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Stitch length control for electronic sewing machine
- Patent Title (中): 电子缝纫机针迹长度控制
Application No.: US882009Application Date: 1978-02-28
Publication No.: US4138955APublication Date: 1979-02-13
- Inventor: Stephen A. Garron
- Applicant: Stephen A. Garron
- Applicant Address: NY New York
- Assignee: The Singer Company
- Current Assignee: The Singer Company
- Current Assignee Address: NY New York
- Main IPC: D05B3/02
- IPC: D05B3/02 ; D05B19/10 ; D05B19/14 ; D05B27/22
An electronic sewing machine with pattern selecting means is provided with control circuitry operable to increase stitch lengths in the work feeding direction by a predetermined integral multiple in a selected pattern by providing for pattern data retention and the discontinuance of endwise needle reciprocation during work feed operations corresponding in number to the said predetermined integral multiple.
Public/Granted literature
- US5183503A Method of shaker molding and composition therefor Public/Granted day:1993-02-02
Information query