Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Stretched tubular film of polyethylene terephthalate
- Patent Title (中): 聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯拉伸管状薄膜
Application No.: US641912Application Date: 1975-12-18
Publication No.: US4042565APublication Date: 1977-08-16
- Inventor: Klaus Hoheisel , Siegfried Janocha
- Applicant: Klaus Hoheisel , Siegfried Janocha
- Applicant Address: DT
- Assignee: Hoechst Aktiengesellschaft
- Current Assignee: Hoechst Aktiengesellschaft
- Current Assignee Address: DT
- Priority: DT2460395 19741220
- Main IPC: C08G63/00
- IPC: C08G63/00 ; B29D20060101 ; B29D23/00 ; C08G63/16 ; C08G63/18 ; C08G63/42 ; C08G63/46 ; C08G63/66 ; C08J5/18 ; C08L20060101 ; C08L67/02
This invention relates to a stretched, shrinkable, tubular film of polyethylene terephthalate which has a lower initial point of shrinkage, higher shrinking values, and improved weldability, in which part of the ethylene glycol component is replaced by about 0.5 to 10 mole per cent of bis-phenol-A-bis-(2-hydroxyethyl)-ether.
Public/Granted literature
- US5807320A Bottle squeezing method Public/Granted day:1998-09-15
Information query