Invention Application
- Patent Title: Combination condiment dispenser
- Patent Title (中): 组合调味品分配器
Application No.: US11654889Application Date: 2007-01-19
Publication No.: US20080173674A1Publication Date: 2008-07-24
- Inventor: Robert J. Gabler
- Applicant: Robert J. Gabler
- Main IPC: A47G19/00
- IPC: A47G19/00 ; B65D25/40

In the field of combination dispensers emitting condiments from the bottom of the containers operating automatically without moving parts, the use of rounded, half-rounded and steepled and half-rounded and obtunded components to shield and block the interior condiment outlet passages when shaking for the other condiment and funnel-shaped closures for scooping up errant, improperly emitted condiments.
Information query