Invention Application
- Patent Title: High temperature exterior building products
- Patent Title (中): 高温外墙建筑产品
Application No.: US11033225Application Date: 2005-01-11
Publication No.: US20050153122A1Publication Date: 2005-07-14
- Inventor: Robert Detterman
- Applicant: Robert Detterman
- Main IPC: B32B27/30
- IPC: B32B27/30 ; C08F8/22 ; C08L27/24 ; E04F11/18 ; E04F13/18 ; E04F15/10 ; B32B3/26 ; B32B7/12

High temperature weather resistant exterior building product articles are disclosed. Articles, such as siding, siding trim, decking, fencing and roofing products are made with a CPVC layer and optionally an insulating layer attached to the CPVC layer. The products have a heat distortion temperature greater than 180° F. and preferably greater than 205° F. The articles can be made in dark colors and have sufficient temperature resistance to withstand direct sunlight in warm climates as well as reflective heat.
Information query