Sample-handling-module and apparatus for calibrating a multi-channel liquid handling device
A sample-handling-module (10) and an apparatus (1) for calibrating a multi-channel liquid handling device are disclosed. The sample-handling-module cooperates with a weighing balance (11) with a load receiver (16). The sample-handling module has a holding device (20) with holders (22), arranged sequentially and equally spaced apart, configured to receive receptacles (26). A supporting device (30) has an array of tines (32) to laterally support the holders when the holders dismount from the load receiver. An actuating device (44) is operatively connected to the holders through the array of tines. The actuating device mounts the holders onto the load receiver, one at a time, by disengaging the corresponding tines. A system and a method of operating the actuating device are also disclosed. The sample-handling-module of the present invention is modular and compact thus making it easier to manufacture, operate, repair, and service.