Applicant: Carla C. Heise , Paul Hollenbach , Daniel Menezes , Nancy Pryer , Katherine Rendahl , Marion Wiesmann
Inventor: Carla C. Heise , Paul Hollenbach , Daniel Menezes , Nancy Pryer , Katherine Rendahl , Marion Wiesmann
IPC: A61K31/496 , A61P35/00 , A61K33/24 , A61K31/655 , A61K31/662 , A61K38/12 , A61K38/20 , A61K38/21
CPC classification number: A61K31/4375 , A61K31/4709 , A61K31/496
Abstract: Methods of treating melanoma include administering a compound of Structure I, a tautomer of the compound, a pharmaceutically acceptable salt of the compound, a pharmaceutically acceptable salt or the tautomer, or a mixture thereof to a subject. The compound, tautomer, salt of the compound, salt of the tautomer, or mixture thereof may be used to prepare medicaments for treating metastatic cancer. The variable A has the values defined herein.
Abstract translation: 治疗黑素瘤的方法包括向受试者施用结构I的化合物,化合物的互变异构体,化合物的药学上可接受的盐,其药学上可接受的盐或互变异构体或其混合物。 化合物,互变异构体,化合物的盐,互变异构体的盐或其混合物可用于制备用于治疗转移性癌症的药物。 变量A具有本文定义的值。