Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Method of remediating aluminum smelter waste
- Patent Title (中): 铝冶炼废物补救方法
Application No.: US14035887Application Date: 2013-09-24
Publication No.: US09376733B1Publication Date: 2016-06-28
- Inventor: Walter B. Freeman
- Applicant: Walter B. Freeman
- Agency: Jerry Haynes Law
- Main IPC: C22B7/04
- IPC: C22B7/04 ; C22B4/00 ; C22C1/02 ; C04B5/00

A method of producing a metal alloy utilizing aluminum smelter waste while simultaneously remediating the waste by converting the metallic and nonmetallic components to a non-hazardous slag. The method includes providing aluminum smelter, obtaining finely divided aluminum and/or spent pot liner from the aluminum smelter, and producing an alloy by oxidizing the finely divided aluminum and/or spent pot liner in the presence of nickelferous iron ore and heat. The non-hazardous slag is also produced during the process as a result of utilization of the nickelferous iron ore.
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