Invention Grant
- Patent Title: System and method for enabling a peer-to-peer (P2P) connection
- Patent Title (中): 用于启用对等(P2P)连接的系统和方法
Application No.: US14477542Application Date: 2014-09-04
Publication No.: US09232003B2Publication Date: 2016-01-05
- Inventor: Richard John George
- Applicant: BlackBerry Limited
- Applicant Address: CA Waterloo, Ontario
- Assignee: BlackBerry Limited
- Current Assignee: BlackBerry Limited
- Current Assignee Address: CA Waterloo, Ontario
- Agency: Fleit Gibbons Gutman Bongini & Bianco P.L.
- Agent Thomas Grzesik
- Main IPC: H04L29/08
- IPC: H04L29/08 ; H04L29/12 ; H04L29/06
A system and method are provided that enable a registrar or other server or proxy device to be used to provide a path between a pair of endpoint devices for exchanging addressing information, in order to establish a direct P2P connection. Once that connection is established, the connection may be used for any P2P data communications, e.g. SIP establishment of a VoIP call, instant messaging, online gaming, file transfer, multimedia streaming, etc. In this way, each endpoint device possesses a list of candidate addresses to establish a direct P2P connection, which may then be used for any type of communication. By relying on a registrar or other server to enable the candidate lists to be exchanged, control can still be maintained if necessary, since the candidate lists can be modified, e.g. to enable a transparent interception, to impose or remove security restrictions, etc.
Public/Granted literature
- US20150019646A1 System and Method for Enabling a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Connection Public/Granted day:2015-01-15
Information query