Invention Grant
- Patent Title: System and method for retaining system state
- Patent Title (中): 保持系统状态的系统和方法
Application No.: US13016794Application Date: 2011-01-28
Publication No.: US09168457B2Publication Date: 2015-10-27
- Inventor: John Speck , Stephen G. Perlman
- Applicant: John Speck , Stephen G. Perlman
- Applicant Address: US CA San Mateo
- Assignee: Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC
- Current Assignee: Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC
- Current Assignee Address: US CA San Mateo
- Agency: Martine Penilla Group, LLP
- Main IPC: G06F15/16
- IPC: G06F15/16 ; A63F13/30
![System and method for retaining system state](/abs-image/US/2015/10/27/US09168457B2/abs.jpg.150x150.jpg)
An apparatus and method are described for retaining system state of an online application such as a video game. For example, a method according to one embodiment comprises: executing a application on a server in response to user input from a client; transmitting video generated by the application over a network connection from the server to the client; detecting that the network connection has become unusable or impaired; responsively pausing the execution of the application from a current point of execution; and resuming the execution of the application from the current point of execution upon detecting that the network connection has become usable or unimpaired.
Public/Granted literature
- US20120066405A1 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR RETAINING SYSTEM STATE Public/Granted day:2012-03-15
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