Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Tubular portable container for transporting perishable items
- Patent Title (中): 用于运输易腐物品的管状便携式集装箱
Application No.: US14554821Application Date: 2014-11-26
Publication No.: US09049912B1Publication Date: 2015-06-09
- Inventor: Marsha A. Normand
- Applicant: Marsha A. Normand
- Agency: Harrison Law Office, P.C.
- Main IPC: B65D83/00
- IPC: B65D83/00 ; B65D81/38 ; B65D77/04 ; B65D85/72 ; A45C11/20

A portable container for transporting and storing a plurality of perishable items including food and beverage items, having a heat-resistant outer tubular member with double-layered insulation in an adjacent inner tubular member to accommodate a plurality of perishable items and to sustain the prescribed temperature of such food and beverage items and to promote longevity thereof. The portable container optionally includes a plurality of external compartments and has removable endcaps enclosing both ends thereof. Each endcap is conveniently removed from a tubular end and then used as a cup for drinking a plurality of beverage items or used as a dish for eating a plurality of food items.
Information query