Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Method for commercial production of small-arms cartridge cases
- Patent Title (中): 小型武器盒的商业生产方法
Application No.: US14274112Application Date: 2014-05-09
Publication No.: US09010227B1Publication Date: 2015-04-21
- Inventor: Oleg Dyuzhev , Yuri Naumov , Oleg Seleznev , Vadim Kasvin
- Applicant: Oleg Dyuzhev , Yuri Naumov , Oleg Seleznev , Vadim Kasvin
- Agency: Diamond Law Office, LLC
- Agent Paul Diamond, Esq.
- Main IPC: F42B33/02
- IPC: F42B33/02 ; F42B33/10

The invention provides methods for producing varying sizes and types of small firearm cartridge cases using earlier produced cartridge cases as work stock. The preexisting cartridge cases are subjected to a number of machining operations to obtain the desired different sizes and/or types of cartridge cases. The invention considerably shortens the production cycle and substantially decreases the costs of production versus the conventional method of manufacturing new cartridge cases.
Information query