Apparatus and method for mining coal
The present invention relates to a novel method of retrieving gas from a gas-containing subterranean formation, the method including digging a mine shaft to reach the subterranean formation; constructing a ventilated underground control center wherein the center includes a computerized control panel, wherein the computerized control panel controls the movements of a hot head device such as a plasma torch, an electro-chemical apparatus, a hydrogenating solvent or heated ceramic particles; a hollow drill pipe; a movable hydraulic shield; a movable resin roof bolting machine; and a movable waste extrusion device; providing mining personnel to the ventilated underground control center; and allowing the mining personnel to operate the computerized control panel wherein they perform the tasks of moving the hot head device into the subterranean formation, recovering the gas, and extruding waste material into a mined-out space of the subterranean formation.