Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Automated target assembly
- Patent Title (中): 自动目标装配
Application No.: US12803007Application Date: 2010-06-17
Publication No.: US08235390B1Publication Date: 2012-08-07
- Inventor: Larry Spikes
- Applicant: Larry Spikes
- Agent R. Keith Harrison
- Main IPC: F41J5/14
- IPC: F41J5/14 ; F41J1/10

An automated target assembly includes a target post, a target carriage carried by the target post, a target having a switch activation flange pivotally carried by the target carriage, a target linkage assembly engaging the target carriage, a power supply, a drive motor connected to the power supply and drivingly engaging the target linkage assembly and a target switch connected to the power supply and the drive motor within a travel path of the switch activation flange.
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