Invention Grant
- Patent Title: System and method for the thermal processing of ore bodies
- Patent Title (中): 矿体热处理系统及方法
Application No.: US13158336Application Date: 2011-06-10
Publication No.: US08043400B1Publication Date: 2011-10-25
- Inventor: Thomas E. Stephens , Vaughn K. Boyman , Joseph A Diaz , Christopher E. Gordon , Gerald Engdahl
- Applicant: Thomas E. Stephens , Vaughn K. Boyman , Joseph A Diaz , Christopher E. Gordon , Gerald Engdahl
- Agent Priya Sinha Cloutier
- Main IPC: C22B4/08
- IPC: C22B4/08

The Inventive System disclosed herein relates to an improved system for extracting metals from ore.
Information query