Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Cooperative relay networks using rateless codes
- Patent Title (中): 使用无码代码的合作中继网络
Application No.: US11377711Application Date: 2006-03-16
Publication No.: US07673219B2Publication Date: 2010-03-02
- Inventor: Andreas F. Molisch , Neelesh B. Mehta , Jonathan S. Yedidia , Jinyun Zhang
- Applicant: Andreas F. Molisch , Neelesh B. Mehta , Jonathan S. Yedidia , Jinyun Zhang
- Applicant Address: US MA Cambridge
- Assignee: Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Inc.
- Current Assignee: Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Inc.
- Current Assignee Address: US MA Cambridge
- Agent Dirk Brinkman; Gene Vinokur
- Main IPC: G11C29/00
- IPC: G11C29/00
![Cooperative relay networks using rateless codes](/abs-image/US/2010/03/02/US07673219B2/abs.jpg.150x150.jpg)
A system and method for communicating information in a wireless cooperative relay network of nodes, the nodes including a source, a set of relays, and a destination. The source broadcasts a code word encoded as a data stream using a rateless code. The relays receive the data stream, decode the data stream to recover the code word, and reencode and transmit the recovered code word as the data stream with the rateless code. The destination receives and decodes the reencoded data streams to recover the code word.
Public/Granted literature
- US20070217432A1 Cooperative relay networks using rateless codes Public/Granted day:2007-09-20
Information query