Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Three-view foldable calendar
- Patent Title (中): 三视折叠日历
Application No.: US11011975Application Date: 2004-12-15
Publication No.: US07219455B1Publication Date: 2007-05-22
- Inventor: Dong Hwi Lee
- Applicant: Dong Hwi Lee
- Agent Albert O. Cota
- Main IPC: G09F3/04
- IPC: G09F3/04

A three-view foldable calendar (10) consisting of a single integrated structure (12) that includes three sections: an upper section (14), a center section (16) and a lower section (18). When the calendar (10) is to be stored or mailed, the upper section (14) and the lower section (18) are folded over the center section (16) to allow a small compact structure to be formed. The upper section (14) has adjacent an upper edge (24) a centered hanging hole (36) into which is inserted a pin that secures the calendar (10) to a wall. When the calendar (10) is placed in a viewing configuration it is hung on the wall which allows three consecutive calendars months to be displayed for comparative viewing.
Information query