Invention Grant
US07003143B1 Tomographic microscope for high resolution imaging and method of analyzing specimens
- Patent Title: Tomographic microscope for high resolution imaging and method of analyzing specimens
- Patent Title (中): 用于高分辨率成像的层析显微镜和分析标本的方法
Application No.: US09704508Application Date: 2000-11-02
Publication No.: US07003143B1Publication Date: 2006-02-21
- Inventor: Charles W. Hewitt , Edward J. Doolin , John Kesterson , Peter D. Lauren , Gary Greenberg
- Applicant: Charles W. Hewitt , Edward J. Doolin , John Kesterson , Peter D. Lauren , Gary Greenberg
- Agency: Klauber & Jackson LLC
- Main IPC: G06K9/00
- IPC: G06K9/00

Tomographic methods and device for obtaining images of microscopic specimens such as Pap smears.
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