Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Gender classification with support vector machines
- Patent Title (中): 性别分类与支持向量机
Application No.: US09444689Application Date: 1999-11-22
Publication No.: US06990217B1Publication Date: 2006-01-24
- Inventor: Baback Moghaddam , Ming-Hsuan Yang
- Applicant: Baback Moghaddam , Ming-Hsuan Yang
- Applicant Address: US MA Cambridge
- Assignee: Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs. Inc.
- Current Assignee: Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs. Inc.
- Current Assignee Address: US MA Cambridge
- Agent Dirk Brinkman; Andrew J. Curtin
- Main IPC: G06K9/00
- IPC: G06K9/00

A method classifies images of faces according to gender. Training images of male and female faces are supplied to a vector support machine. A small number of support vectors are determined from the training images. The support vectors identify a hyperplane. After training, a test image is supplied to the support vector machine. The test image is classified according to the gender of the test image with respect to the hyperplane.
Information query