Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Method for producing highly doped semiconductor components
- Patent Title (中): 高掺杂半导体元件的制造方法
Application No.: US09914404Application Date: 2001-12-13
Publication No.: US06806173B1Publication Date: 2004-10-19
- Inventor: Richard Spitz , Alfred Goerlach , Barbara Will , Helga Uebbing , Roland Riekert , Christian Adamski
- Applicant: Richard Spitz , Alfred Goerlach , Barbara Will , Helga Uebbing , Roland Riekert , Christian Adamski
- Priority: DE19908400 19990226
- Main IPC: H01L2124
- IPC: H01L2124

A method is proposed for producing semiconductor components, in which at least one doped region is introduced in a wafer, a solid glass layer provided with dopant being applied on at least one of the two sides of a semiconductor wafer, in another step, the wafer being heated to high temperatures so that the dopant from the glass layer penetrates deep into the wafer to produce the at least one doped region; and in a further step, the glass layer being removed. The method is used for producing homogeneous, heavily doped regions, it also being possible to introduce these regions in the wafer on both sides and for the regions to be of different doping type.
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