Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Data backup and recovery systems
- Patent Title (中): 数据备份和恢复系统
Application No.: US09486439Application Date: 2000-02-28
Publication No.: US06785786B1Publication Date: 2004-08-31
- Inventor: Stephen Gold , Jon Bathie , Peter King , Ian Peter Crighton
- Applicant: Stephen Gold , Jon Bathie , Peter King , Ian Peter Crighton
- Priority: EP97306628 19970829; EP97306629 19970829
- Main IPC: G06F1216
- IPC: G06F1216

Clients are connected via a LAN to backup apparatus including hard and tape drives, respectively primary and secondary backups. Each client schedules backup operations on a time basis since last backup, the amount of information generated since last backup, etc. Prior to a backup, each client sends to the backup apparatus a request including information representing the files to be backed up. The backup apparatus receives backup requests from the clients and accepts or rejects backup requests based on backup and network loading. The backup apparatus eliminates redundant files and indicates to the clients, prior to the file back up, that some files requested to be backed up are already stored and are not to be sent. The backup apparatus enables a client to restore any of its ‘lost’ data by copying it directly from the disk, without the need for backup administrator assistance.
Information query