Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Confectionery product comprising vegetables solids
- Patent Title (中): 包含蔬菜固体的糖果产品
Application No.: US09617930Application Date: 2000-08-16
Publication No.: US06713100B1Publication Date: 2004-03-30
- Inventor: Daniel Schmoutz , Patrick Clement
- Applicant: Daniel Schmoutz , Patrick Clement
- Priority: GB9919487 19990817
- Main IPC: A23G300
- IPC: A23G300

A novel, nutritious confectionery product with a taste, texture and color that is particularly appealing to children is disclosed. The food product includes non-cereal vegetable solids and solid fat characterized in that the non-cereal vegetable solids are present in the form of particles in an amount of at least about 15% by weight of the total weight of the confectionery product. These particles are surrounded by the fat. The non-cereal vegetable solids are added and mixed into a continuous phase of fat to provide a shaped fat-based product upon setting.
Information query