Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Font retrieval apparatus and method using a font link table
- Patent Title (中): 字体检索装置和方法使用字体链接表
Application No.: US09348209Application Date: 1999-07-08
Publication No.: US06687879B1Publication Date: 2004-02-03
- Inventor: Atsushi Teshima
- Applicant: Atsushi Teshima
- Priority: JP10-208552 19980709
- Main IPC: G06F1700
- IPC: G06F1700

A font retrieval apparatus includes a storage device storing a relationship between a plurality of fonts and a plurality of modes of a text. A mode selecting device selects at least one of the modes stored in the storage device. A font output device outputs font information corresponding to the mode selected by the mode selecting device.
Information query