Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Screen protection method for image display apparatus
- Patent Title (中): 图像显示装置的屏幕保护方法
Application No.: US09475129Application Date: 1999-12-30
Publication No.: US06667693B1Publication Date: 2003-12-23
- Inventor: Dong Hyeon Kim , Hyung Il Lee
- Applicant: Dong Hyeon Kim , Hyung Il Lee
- Priority: KR98-63574 19981231
- Main IPC: G08B500
- IPC: G08B500

A technique for protecting a screen surface from being damaged due to a fixed display operation of an image display apparatus such as a projection TV. The method includes a first step for displaying an alarm message for informing no external signal input in the mode in which an external signal is inputted, a second step for checking whether an external signal is inputted in the state that the first step is being performed and the mode is changed, and a third step for checking whether the alarm message display time of the first step becomes identical with a set display time and displaying an alarm message when the time exceeds the set time and dynamically displaying a random format graphic or character.
Information query