Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Sheet hanger
- Patent Title (中): 挂衣架
Application No.: US09663178Application Date: 2000-09-15
Publication No.: US06659414B1Publication Date: 2003-12-09
- Inventor: Paul L. Guilmette
- Applicant: Paul L. Guilmette
- Main IPC: A47H116
- IPC: A47H116

A hanger (100) comprising a suspension hook (102), a shank (104) and a retainer (106) is fashioned from a single piece of heavy gauge wire curved into a predetermined shape. Suspension hook (102) has a tip (114) capable of easily penetrating heave gauge sheeting material such as 6 mil polyethylene or canvas. Retainer (106) is configured to engage a ceiling tile support rail either between a support rail and a ceiling tile or between a support rail and a wall. In other embodiments, the hanger (100) may be configured to engage a masonry nail or other fastener or may be configured to be driven directly into the wall. The hanger may be bent in a single plane or bent in two or more planes.
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