Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Cellulose particles, method for producing them and their use
- Patent Title (中): 纤维素颗粒,它们的生产方法及其用途
Application No.: US09475432Application Date: 1999-12-30
Publication No.: US06635754B1Publication Date: 2003-10-21
- Inventor: Jörg Oberkofler , Thomas Moser , Anton Schmalhofer , Jeffrey F. Spedding
- Applicant: Jörg Oberkofler , Thomas Moser , Anton Schmalhofer , Jeffrey F. Spedding
- Priority: DE19505973 19950221; DE19520804 19950607
- Main IPC: C08B300
- IPC: C08B300

Cellulose particles are described that have cationic groups in their interior. In one aspect, at least 10%, and preferably 50% or more, of the cationic groups are present within the particle interior. Also disclosed are particular combinations of such cellulose particles with certain water-soluble polymers that are well suited for use in the papermaking industry.
Information query