Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Equalizing apparatus combining amplitude error with squared envelope error according to variable weights
- Patent Title (中): 均衡装置根据可变权重组合振幅误差与平方包络误差
Application No.: US09488550Application Date: 2000-01-21
Publication No.: US06621863B1Publication Date: 2003-09-16
- Inventor: Jun Ido
- Applicant: Jun Ido
- Priority: JP11-090957 19990331
- Main IPC: H03K5159
- IPC: H03K5159

An equalizer providing a filtered signal to a data decision unit calculates an amplitude error signal by comparing the filtered signal with the data signal output from the data decision unit, and calculates a squared envelope error signal from the filtered signal. These two error signals are separately weighted according to the absolute value of the amplitude error, the weight of the amplitude error signal decreasing and the weight of the squared envelope error signal increasing as the absolute value of the amplitude error increases. The weighted amplitude error signal and weighted squared envelope error signal are added to obtain an error signal used in updating filter coefficients in the equalizer. Rapid convergence of the filter coefficients is obtained, with small residual error.
Information query