Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Process for preparing zolpidem
- Patent Title (中): 唑吡旦的制备方法
Application No.: US10319276Application Date: 2002-12-13
Publication No.: US06562975B1Publication Date: 2003-05-13
- Inventor: Markus Sauter , Wolfgang Wohlleben
- Applicant: Markus Sauter , Wolfgang Wohlleben
- Priority: DE10121638 20010503
- Main IPC: C07D4704
- IPC: C07D4704
![Process for preparing zolpidem](/abs-image/US/2003/05/13/US06562975B1/abs.jpg.150x150.jpg)
The invention relates to a process for preparing a compound of formula (I) wherein a compound of formula (II), wherein R1 denotes chlorine, bromine, iodine, —O—COCH3, tosylate or mesylate, is reacted with a compound of formula (III), optionally in a suitable diluent and/or in the presence of a suitable added reagent or catalyst, the reaction being carried out in a temperature range from 20 to 80° C.
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