Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Means for applying conducting members to arc tubes
- Patent Title (中): 用于将导电构件施加到电弧管的装置
Application No.: US09706439Application Date: 2000-11-03
Publication No.: US06538377B1Publication Date: 2003-03-25
- Inventor: Curtis Edward Scott , Karthik Sivaraman , Martin L. Panchula , Jack M. Strok
- Applicant: Curtis Edward Scott , Karthik Sivaraman , Martin L. Panchula , Jack M. Strok
- Main IPC: H01J1100
- IPC: H01J1100

An arc discharge lamp comprising an arc tube including a starting aid is described. The starting aid comprises at least one metal cermet coating applied to the surface of the arc tube, or a metal layer including refractory glass disposed over said cermet coating or said metal layer.
Information query