Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Method for producing reduced iron
- Patent Title (中): 还原铁生产方法及装置
Application No.: US09612373Application Date: 2000-07-07
Publication No.: US06451085B1Publication Date: 2002-09-17
- Inventor: Susumu Kamikawa , Kouichi Hirata , Hironori Fujioka , Hideaki Mizuki , Keiichi Sato
- Applicant: Susumu Kamikawa , Kouichi Hirata , Hironori Fujioka , Hideaki Mizuki , Keiichi Sato
- Priority: JP11-256878 19990910
- Main IPC: C21B1308
- IPC: C21B1308

In the production of reduced iron by agglomerating a mixed powder of an iron material and a reducing agent to form compacts like briquettes or pellets, and reducing the compacts in a high temperature atmosphere, when the temperature of reduced compacts is 900° C. or higher, the oxide content in the reduced compacts is set at 11% or more, and the basicity of the reduced compacts is set at 0.5 or higher.
Information query