Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Method of reducing the duration of the thermal stabilization phase of a liquefied gas converter
- Patent Title (中): 降低液化气转换器的热稳定期持续时间的方法
Application No.: US09155834Application Date: 1999-06-05
Publication No.: US06446445B1Publication Date: 2002-09-10
- Inventor: Robert John Phillips , David John Peacey , Humphrey Albert Samuel Hamlin
- Applicant: Robert John Phillips , David John Peacey , Humphrey Albert Samuel Hamlin
- Priority: GB9702393 19970206
- Main IPC: F17C902
- IPC: F17C902

A method of reducing the duration of the thermal stabilization phase of a liquefied gas converter (13) is characterized in that the method comprises providing in a feed line (11) between a source (12) of liquefied gas and the liquefied gas converter (13), an uninsulated flow region (16) through which at least a portion of the liquefied gas passes during filling.
Information query