Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Telecommunications job scheduling
- Patent Title (中): 电讯业务调度
Application No.: US09099839Application Date: 1998-06-19
Publication No.: US06434589B1Publication Date: 2002-08-13
- Inventor: Philip J. Lin , James D. Mills
- Applicant: Philip J. Lin , James D. Mills
- Main IPC: G06F900
- IPC: G06F900

A computer-based method of scheduling jobs for processing by resources. The method proceeds by identifying resources capable of processing a first job and selecting a second job for rescheduling from jobs currently being processed by the identified resources such that the second job can be processed by resources other than the identified resources. Scheduling further includes scheduling the first job for processing by the resource currently processing the second job and rescheduling the second job. The method used to schedule the first job may be repeated to reschedule the second job and any jobs displaced by rescheduling the second job.
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