Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Method of generating chemical compounds having desired properties
- Patent Title (中): 产生具有所需性质的化合物的方法
Application No.: US09213156Application Date: 1998-12-17
Publication No.: US06434490B1Publication Date: 2002-08-13
- Inventor: Dimitris K. Agrafiotis , Roger F. Bone , Francis R. Salemme , Richard M. Soll
- Applicant: Dimitris K. Agrafiotis , Roger F. Bone , Francis R. Salemme , Richard M. Soll
- Main IPC: G01N3100
- IPC: G01N3100

A computer based, iterative process for generating chemical entities with defined physical, chemical and/or bioactive properties. During each iteration of the process, (1) a directed diversity chemical library is robotically generated in accordance with robotic synthesis instructions; (2) the compounds in the directed diversity chemical library are analyzed to identify compounds with the desired properties; (3) structure-property data are used to select compounds to be synthesized in the next iteration; and (4) new robotic synthesis instructions are automatically generated to control the synthesis of the directed diversity chemical library for the next iteration.
Information query